Things to Think About

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”  Zig Ziglar

As a young professional, I admired Zig Ziglar’s down-to-earth approach to life and his witty turn-of-phrase that got one’s attention.  Many people want to be great at something but become quickly overwhelmed when they face what it actually means.  They look at the collection of efforts, achievements, challenges, and accolades that have yet to be addressed and then become discouraged.  But, how different it would be if one stopped to realize that no one started off being great.   True greatness is something that is built on a foundation of incremental acts, and that is what Ziglar is talking about—focus on the incremental acts and doing them the best you possibly can.  I often advise people to look at the next stair only, not the whole stairway.

Good luck on your journey!