Things to Think About 010
“Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.” Viktor E. Frankl
For so many of us, this is the only thing we need to really understand about life. Dr. Frankl told us that there is precious little that we have control over in life—maybe only one thing—and that is how we react to our circumstances and what attitude we choose with which to meet the ups and downs of life.
I use Dr. Frankl’s quote a lot in my work with leaders and boards of directors. For those who accept the personal responsibility of success or failure in life, this can be a truly liberating realization. We all face situations every day that are less than what we might consider optimal outcomes. It could be a budget limitation, a compressed timeline, a shortage of staff or some sort of resource limitation that creates a sub-optimal environment. But, to me, the question is not about the limitation, it’s about how you react to it that separates the winners from the wannabes.
How could you use your greatest freedom today?
Till next time…