Things to Think About
“Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you are right.” Abraham Lincoln
Leave it to someone from very humble beginnings, born and raised in the Midwest United States, who rose to the pinnacle of political power, to draw upon his life experience and come up with a quote that is the essence of common-sense. Lincoln suffered many defeats before rising to the U.S. presidency, and it was his ability to honestly, objectively reflect on his actions and beliefs that guided him to lead a nation through the greatest moral crisis of its history. To believe in something is to make a choice—a choice to believe. Choosing to believe in yourself, is investing in your future. Sure, some things done come out as planned, but when you realize that the setbacks are valuable learning experiences, your sense of resilience grows with each life lesson. And, as your resilience grows, your belief in yourself grows too. Then, when you are faced with a significant challenge in life, your response is something like, “Man, this is a tough one. I don’t have any idea how to solve this. But, I know I can and will find the answer.” This is not being overly positive. It’s merely you reflecting on the facts you set in motion that last time you faced a challenge and didn’t give up. Believing in yourself is a wonderful investment. Wouldn’t now be a good time to put this investment strategy to work?
Good luck on your journey!