Things to Think About
"We have been taught how to learn from experience, but what is needed today is the ability to learn without experience. What's needed today is conceptual reasoning skills that connect new ideas and work across contexts."
David Epstein "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World"
For those of you with whom this quote resonates, I can say without hesitation, that you will enjoy Epstein's book, Range. This book is the repository of many scientific studies and a lot of common sense. Malcolm Gladwell offers a front cover quote, "Makes me thoroughly enjoy the experience of being told that everything I thought about something was wrong. I loved Range." Epstein's take on breadth versus depth in the 21st century is counter-intuitive and enlightening. For those of you who felt lost by taking detours in life, experimenting along the way, and juggling many interests, take heart. Thinking broadly and embracing diverse experiences and perspectives is what will differentiate you in the 21st century. Employers take note: There are ways to maximize creativity and problem-solving in your organization that do not involve costly interventions or workshops.
Good luck on your journey!