The Definition of a Leader
Leadership, mentorship, membership, sponsorship, entrepreneurship, friendship ... we all are familiar with these words. Although the words have different meanings, they have something in common the magical –ship that appears at the end of all words. If you look up for the word “ship“ in the dictionary, you will find something like: “it´s a vessel larger than a boat for transporting people or goods by sea.“. This made me look at the whole thing from a different perspective and thus, I realize something very important. I came up with my own definition that may actually express what the word -ship would mean in terms of relationships. A –ship is a group of random or selected people who share the same way/idea/values/journey/lifestyle. Thus, I decided to take the word LEADER-SHIP and create my own definition of a great leader.
Let his life speak
Empowers people to leave their comfort zones
Appreciates honesty and care
Does not give up and does not give in
Enhances the worth of mutual relationships
Remembers that silence is sometimes the best answer