Mel Carvill
Mel Carvill has extensive practical experience in risk and capital management having worked in a number of senior positions across a range of sectors in the European financial services industry. He is a Fellow of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and a Chartered Insurer. He has many years’ experience as a Chairman and board member of listed companies.
Mel is a Board member of Home Credit. Prior to this Mel worked at Generali for over 25 years where he held a number of senior positions, including, Head of Western Europe, Americas and Middle East, Head of Risk Management and Head of Corporate Finance. In addition he was a Commissioner of a national regulator for 9 years.
External Appointments:
Mel holds a number of directorships within financial services companies operating in Europe, the Americas and Asia.